Common Challenging Issues in Aquarium

There are many different types of fish, but not many people know how to take care of them. Yes, fish in aquariums can bring positive activity that also contributes to home decoration. However, many people who keep fish in aquariums often fail to understand the common issues they may encounter.

Therefore, it is essential to be aware of potential problems when caring for fish in an aquarium to prevent any disruptions. The following are various common issues that may occur when caring for fish in an aquarium.

Common Issues in Fish Care

1. High Ammonia Levels

First common challenging issues in fish care is how to maintain high ammonia levels in the aquarium.

If the aquarium water has high ammonia levels, there is a serious risk of poisoning the fish.

During the initial filling of the aquarium, ammonia levels will increase. This means that introducing fish during the first two or three weeks after filling the aquarium is not a good idea.

However, the main reason for the increase in ammonia is either infrequent water changes or issues with the filter.

The best way to avoid this is by periodically changing a portion of the water and ensuring that the filter is functioning properly.

This problem may also occur if one of the fish dies or if you have too many fish in the aquarium.

2. Unwanted Algae

Having marine plants or aquaspace plants in the aquarium is good. However, if plants appear spontaneously, it is usually a bad sign.

The appearance of plants or commonly called algae is usually caused by high phosphate levels or excessive sunlight.

Sometimes there is a certain amount of phosphate in tap water. Therefore, it is advisable to check the levels when filling the aquarium to prevent this from happening.

However, if algae has already appeared, and you want to eliminate it, there are two practical ways to do so.

First, you can add fish or other creatures that consume algae. The second option is to add marine plants to the aquarium as they absorb phosphate.

Common Issues in Fish Care
Common Issues in Fish Care

3. Green Water

This is one of the common issues in fish care you may experience when caring for fish in an aquarium.

In fact, this is usually a consequence of algae problems, with suspended algae giving the water a green color.

It is possible to purchase special products that cause these algae to sink to the aquarium floor.

However, it is much better if you can find the root cause of the problem, such as too much phosphate, sunlight, and others.

You can help avoid this situation by keeping the aquarium away from sunlight.

4. Aquarium Fungus

Fungus is another common problem when caring for fish in an aquarium. Fungi can directly affect the fish, attaching to the mouth or other parts of the body.

Fungus in the aquarium can be seen with the naked eye in the form of white spots.

The presence of fungus in the aquarium is genuinely a disease for the fish. The best way to avoid it is through routine care, such as changing water, checking the filter, and so on.

You can get antibiotic drops that can help your fish if they are suffering from a fungal problem.

5. Rotten Smell

This is one of the common issues in fish care in an aquarium, and many people experience it at least once.

The rotten smell that appears in the aquarium is usually caused by excessive food or storing too many fish in the aquarium.

The solution depends on the cause of the problem. If you have many fish, you should buy a larger aquarium. If it is due to excess food, you should be more careful about the amount and quality of the food you use.

This problem can also be resolved by replacing the carbon in the filter or changing the water.

When cleaning the aquarium or its contents, be careful not to use too much soap. This can easily poison your fish or kill beneficial microorganisms.

6. Brown Water

One last problem that can occur is the water turning brown. This can happen when placing wood in the aquarium.

Oxygen Deficiency

If your fish frequently surface for air or appear lethargic, it could be a sign of oxygen deficiency in the aquarium.

Check if the air flow and oxygen pump are functioning correctly. You can also add water plants or aeration stones to help increase the oxygen levels in the water.

7. Fish Diseases

Fish can be vulnerable to various types of diseases such as fungus, parasites, or bacterial infections.

If you notice signs of illness in the fish, such as wounds, changes in skin color, or unusual behavior, immediately isolate the sick fish and consult with a veterinarian or aquarium expert for proper diagnosis and treatment.

8. Fish Stress

Fish can also experience stress, usually caused by drastic changes in water temperature, overcrowding of fish in the aquarium, or excessively bright light.

Strive to maintain a stable and comfortable aquarium environment for the fish, such as keeping the water temperature stable, avoiding overpopulation, and providing adequate but not overly bright light.


In addressing common issues in ornamental fish, it is important to remember to always monitor and perform regular maintenance on the aquarium and fish.

If problems persist or worsen, consult with a veterinarian or aquarium expert for more detailed and accurate advice.