Keep Aquarium Water Clean Guidance for New Owners

Maintaining a clean aquarium is vital for the health and well-being of the fish and plants it houses.  A well-kept aquarium not only creates a beautiful visual display but also ensures a healthy environment for its inhabitants. Here are some key steps and tips to keep aquarium water clean and thriving.

How To Keep Aquarium Water Clean

A dirty aquarium can lead to numerous problems, such as algae growth, ammonia build-up, and unhealthy conditions for fish and plants. 

Regular cleaning and maintenance are essential to prevent these issues and to keep your aquatic ecosystem in balance.

1. Regular Water Changes

Frequency and Volume

Conduct partial water changes regularly, ideally around 10-20% of the tank’s volume every week. This helps to remove waste products and replenish essential minerals in the water.

Conditioning the Water 

Always treat tap water with a dechlorinator before adding it to the aquarium to remove harmful chlorine and chloramines.

2. Filtration System Maintenance

Choosing the Right Filter

Ensure your aquarium has a suitable filtration system. Filters come in various types, including mechanical, chemical, and biological, and each plays a unique role in maintaining water quality.

Regular Cleaning to Keep Aquarium Water Clean

Clean the filter media at least once a month, but avoid over-cleaning as this can remove beneficial bacteria. 

Never wash filter media under tap water; instead, use the water taken out during a water change to preserve these bacteria.

3. Controlling Algae Growth

Limiting Light

Algae thrive in light, so controlling the amount of light your aquarium receives (not more than 8-10 hours a day) can help control algae growth.   

Cleaning Algae

Use algae scrapers or magnetic cleaners to remove algae from the glass regularly. Be cautious with acrylic tanks, as they scratch easily.

4. Substrate Cleaning

Vacuuming the Substrate 

Use a gravel vacuum during water changes to remove food particles and waste from the substrate. This prevents the accumulation of harmful compounds like ammonia and nitrites.

5. Feeding Practices

Avoid Overfeeding

Overfeeding is a common cause of dirty aquariums. Feed your fish only as much as they can consume in a few minutes, once or twice a day.

Quality of Food

High-quality food is not only better for fish health but also reduces waste.

6. Regular Tank Inspections to Keep Aquarium Water Clean

Check Equipment

Regularly inspect heaters, lights, pumps, and filters for proper operation to keep aquarium water clean.

Monitor Water Parameters to Keep Aquarium Water Clean

Regularly test water for pH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels. Keeping these within safe limits is crucial for a healthy aquarium.

7. Decorations and Plant Maintenance

Cleaning Aquarium Decorations

Regularly clean rocks, plants, and decorations to prevent dirt build-up. Again, use aquarium water to avoid harming the tank’s biological balance.

Pruning Plants

Prune live plants regularly to remove dead leaves and promote healthy growth.


Keeping an aquarium clean is a continuous process that requires regular attention and care. 

By following these steps, you can maintain a healthy and visually appealing aquarium that provides a safe and nurturing environment for its inhabitants. 

Remember, keep aquarium water clean is not only beneficial for the fish but also a source of joy and relaxation for you.

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